Thursday 30 June 2011

Design Car Chevrolet Corvette C7

Chevrolet Corvette C7 Design
Speculation about the new 2012 Corvette C7 running rampant now that GM has given the green light to the design of an American classic vehicle, but little seems to be known about what GM engineers exactly have in mind. A few hints and teaser bits of information have been released, but paint a picture of a budding car in 2012, there will be both evolutionary and revolutionary.

Much is hinging on the decisions taken by GM in the next few months if they try to reinvent based on new philosophies as they come out of bankruptcy, so there may be serious problems ahead for ‘America’s Sports Car “. But if GM’s engineers and designers stick to the tried and true formulas and focus on the 21 century spin as they did with the successful C6, so 2012 could be a very good year.
Chevrolet Corvette C7 Interior
Carbon fiber. Most of the high-end sports car manufacturers such as Lamborghini, Maserati, Ferrari, and Lexus soon with their LFA in 2012, creates the body of their vehicle lightweight yet solid carbon fibers. This would be a new and evolutionary change for Corvette, but a welcome one. The only question is whether this change will seriously affect the price of the vehicle.

There was also talk about moving the engine in the new Corvette C7 from rear to front or mid-engine in its design. This would have an advantage in performance and help to make the C7 more upscale than its predecessors, but it will also increase its cost. Fortunately speaks to move the engine seems to have stalled out, however, and we can expect a more familiar design from Chevrolet in this regard.

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